
воскресенье, 29 марта 2015 г.

Создание пасхальной курочки

Делают же люди...!!!
Удивительно,курочка сшита из кусков ткани,а смотрится,как настоящая...
Такую курочку можно оставить на кухне на круглый год,и ни только на Пасху.

Мастер класс от
Я предлагаю вам сделать хозяйственную, яркую, пёструю яйцеприносительницу - курочку

 Материалы, которые нам потребуются для творчества:

Шьем платье для игрушки тильды.

Когда научишься шить тильду,то возникает вопрос,а как бы ее одеть покрасивее? У меня он возник сразу.Ведь тильда привлекательна нитолько своим образом,но и одеждой. Для меня,как новичка в пошиве тильд,возникла не простая задача,как ее красиво нарядить. К счастью,находятся замечательные люди,которые щедро и бесплатно делятся своим мастерством. Вот одна из таких
дает МК по пошиву платья для тильды зайки...  ( НАЖИМАЙ НА КАРТИНКУ,ЧТОБЫ УВЕЛИЧИЛАСЬ)

Хочу показать, как я шью платья своим игрушкам.
Выкройка дана на лист А4 *Помним, что её надо корректировать под размер и форму вашей игрушки:

пятница, 20 марта 2015 г.

Узоры спицами

Очень простые и красивые узоры спицами от Аверчевой. Вот уже два года наблюдаю за популярностью ажурных узоров от Аверчевой Ирины. Очень понятные схемы. И так пробуем связать сами.http://avercheva.ru/?p=9124

В схеме указаны лицевые и изнаночные ряды

(-)  -изнаночные петли
( пустая клетка) - лицевая

В схеме показаны лицевые и изнаночные ряды.
Зеленая клетка-НЕТ ПЕТЛИ. т.е. не обращаем внимание на зеленые,вяжем только со значками.

суббота, 14 марта 2015 г.

Шьем сами (Аппликации,веселая кухня)

      Иногда мы устаем от вязания,особенно от крупных вещей,не правда ли? Вот и я не исключение. Между вязанием я люблю расслабляться шитьем забавных,но функциональных вещей. Шью кухонные фартуки и разные веселеньие вещички для дома и ,особенно,для кухни. Нашла в Фэйсбуке несколько забавных вещиц,которые можно сшить самой... Смотрим и пробуем... 

                                         Фартук с аппликациями-вот где можно пофантазировать с разными сюжетами! Хозяйка в таком фартуке сразу поднимет настроение своим домочадцам и гостям...

                                                         Вот так можно украсить аппликациями кухонные полотенца...Вы скажите,что такие полотенца жалко  пачкать и трудно стирать? Скажу,из своего опыта,аппликации нужно делать из натуральных тканей. Если полотенце их Х/Б,то и аппликации должны быть из х/б тканей,тогда изделия можно даже кипятить

...И еще аппликации на тему "курочки" для украшения кухонных полотенцев,фартуков,салфеток,прихваток и т.д....

Решать,какие цвета вводить придется самим...

Обычно для аппликаций с курочками,я видела в ин-те используются ткани с горошком или в крапинку, мелкими цветочками и в клетку...


Взято с фэйсбук страницы https://www.facebook.com/MoldesParaArtesanatoEmTecido/photos_stream

Фартуки бразильских лоскутниц 


Вот так...пока УСЕ! Пробуйте,вдохновляйтесь...а я пошла шить ЗАЙКУ

суббота, 7 марта 2015 г.

Веселая курочка на часах от RONILDA (Бразилия)

Ронилда шьет замечательные веселые вещички для кухни.На видео она дает МК по шитью курочки для часиков. Но если зайти к ней в блог http://ronilda-croche.blogspot.ie/ то можно увидеть очень много забавных штучек для хорошего настроения на кухне.

вторник, 3 марта 2015 г.

The MyPicot patterns

Foundation Chain: Multiples of 29 + 7
Techniques used in this stitch (British term / American term):
Chain stitch – ch
Double crochet / Single crochet – dc/sc
Treble / Double crochet – tr / dc
Double treble / Treble – d.tr/tr
Shell – work in 5tr/dc in the same st (or in the same foundation ch)
Stitch - st

Row 1: Skip 9ch, 1dc/sc in next, skip 3ch, shell in next, 4ch, skip 3ch, 1dc/sc in next, skip 3ch, shell in next, *skip 3ch, 1dc/sc in next, 4ch, skip 3ch, shell in next, 3ch, skip 3ch, 1dc/sc in next, 7ch, skip 4ch, 1dc/sc in next, 3ch, skip 3ch, shell in next, 4ch, skip 3ch, 1dc/sc in next, skip 3ch, shell in next; rep from*.

Skip 3ch, 1dc/sc in next, 4ch, skip 3ch, shell in next, 3ch, skip 3ch, 1dc/sc in next, 3ch, 1tr/dc in last ch. Turn.
Row 2: 3ch, 4 d.tr/tr in 1st space of, 1ch, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch, *1dc/sc in space between 1st and 2nd tr/dc of shell below, 5ch, 1dc/sc in space between 2nd and 3rd tr/dc of the same shell below, 5ch, 1dc/sc in space between 3rd and 4th tr/dc of shell, 5ch, 1dc/sc in space between 4th and 5th tr/dc of shell below, 3ch, shell in 3rd st of the next shell below, 1ch, 9d.tr/tr in space of 7ch, 1ch, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch; rep from *.

Work 1dc/sc in space between 1st and 2nd tr/dc of shell below, 5ch, 1dc/sc in space between 2nd and 3rd tr/dc of the same shell below, 5ch, 1dc/sc in space between 3rd and 4th tr/dc of shell, 5ch, 1dc/sc in space between 4th and 5th tr/dc of shell below, 3ch, shell in 3rd st of the next shell below, 1ch, 4d.tr/tr in space of 9ch, 1tr/dc in 4th ch, turn.
Row 3: 5ch, [1d.tr/tr in next st, 1ch; rep from] 2 times more, 1d.tr/tr in last d.tr/tr, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 1dc/sc in 1st space of 5ch, 5ch, 1dc/sc in 2nd space of 5ch, 5ch, 1dc/sc in last space of 5ch, * shell in 3rd st of shell below, [1d.tr/tr in next d.tr/tr below, 1ch; rep from] 7 times more, 1d.tr/tr in last d.tr/dc, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 1dc/sc in 1st space of 5ch, 5ch, 1dc/sc in 2nd space of 5ch, 5ch, 1dc/sc in last space of 5ch; rep form*.

Shell in 3rd st of shell below, [1d.tr/tr in next d.tr/tr below, 1ch; rep from] 3 times more, 1 tr/dc in 3rd ch, turn.
Row 4: 3ch, 2tr/dc in tr/dc below,[ 1dc/sc in d.tr/tr, shell in next d.tr/tr; rep from] 1 time more, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch, * 1dc/sc in 1st space of 5ch, 5ch, 1dc/sc in next space of 5ch, 3ch, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below ,[ shell in d.tr/tr below, 1dc/sc in next d.tr/tr; rep from] 3 times more, shell in d.tr/tr below, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell, 3ch; rep from *.

Work 1dc/sc in 1st space of 5ch, 5ch, 1dc/sc in next space of 5ch, 3ch, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below,[ shell in d.tr/tr below, 1dc/sc in next d.tr/tr; rep from] 1 time more, 3tr/dcin 4th ch, turn.
Row 5: 1ch, 1dc/sc in 1st st, [shell in dc/sc below, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below; rep from] 1 time more, 3ch, shell in space of 5ch, 3ch, * [1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below , shell in dc/sc below; rep from] 3 times more, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch, shell in space of 5ch, 3ch; rep from *.

Work [1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below , shell in dc/sc below; rep from]1 time more, 1dc/sc in 3rd ch, turn.
Row 6: 3ch, 2tr/dc in sc/sc below, 1dc/ in 3rd st of shell below, shell in next dc/sc, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below, 4ch, * 3tr/dc in 3rd st of next shell, 3ch, 3tr/dc in the same st, 4ch, [1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below , shell in dc/sc below; rep from] 2 times more, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below, 4ch; rep from*.

Work 3tr/dc in 3rd st of next shell, 3ch, 3tr/dc in the same st, 4ch, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below , shell in dc/sc below, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below, 3tr/dcin dc/sc below, turn.
Row 7: 1ch, 1dc/sc in 1st st, shell in dc/sc below, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch, shell in 3rd st of 1st group of three tr/dc below, 3ch, 1dc/sc in space of 3ch, 3ch, shell in 3rd st of next group of three tr/dc, 3ch, * [1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below , shell in dc/sc below; rep from] 1 time more, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch, shell in 3rd st of 1st group of three tr/dc below, 3ch, 1dc/sc in space of 3ch, 3ch, shell in 3rd st of next group of three tr/dc, 3ch; rep from*.

Work 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below , shell in dc/sc, 1dc/sc in 3rd ch, turn.
Row 8: 3ch, 2tr/dc in sc/sc below, 1dc/ in 3rd st of shell below, * 4ch, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch, 1dc/sc in space of 3ch, 7ch, 1dc/sc in next space of 3ch, 3ch, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 4ch, 1dc/ in 3rd st of shell below, shell in next dc/sc, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of the next shell below; rep from *.

Work 4ch, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch, 1dc/sc in space of 3ch, 7ch, 1dc/sc in next space of 3ch, 3ch, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 4ch, 1dc/ in 3rd st of shell below, 3tr/dc in last dc/sc, turn.
Row 9: 5ch, 1dc/sc in space between 1st and 2nd tr/dc of shell below, 5ch, 1dc/sc in space between 2nd and 3rd tr/dc of the same shell below, 3ch, shell in 3rd st of the next shell below, 1ch, 9d.tr/tr in space of 7ch, 1ch, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch.

*1dc/sc in space between 1st and 2nd tr/dc of shell below, 5ch, 1dc/sc in space between 2nd and 3rd tr/dc of the same shell below, 5ch, 1dc/sc in space between 3rd and 4th tr/dc of shell, 5ch, 1dc/sc in space between 4th and 5th tr/dc of shell below, 3ch, shell in 3rd st of the next shell below, 1ch, 9d.tr/tr in space of 7ch, 1ch, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch; rep from *.

Work 1dc/sc in space between 1st and 2nd tr/dc of shell below, 5ch, 1dc/sc in space between 2nd and 3rd tr/dc of the same shell below, 2ch, 1tr/dc in 3rd ch, turn.
Row 10: 6ch, 1dc/sc in space of 5ch, *shell in 3rd st of shell below, [1d.tr/tr in next d.tr/tr below, 1ch; rep from] 7 times more, 1d.tr/tr in last d.tr/dc, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 1dc/sc in 1st space of 5ch, 5ch, 1dc/sc in 2nd space of 5ch, 5ch, 1dc/sc in last space of 5ch; rep form*.

Work shell in 3rd st of shell below, [1d.tr/tr in next d.tr/tr below, 1ch; rep from] 7 times more, 1d.tr/tr in last d.tr/dc, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 1dc/sc in 1st space of 5ch, 3ch, 1tr/dc in next space of 5ch, turn.
Row 11: 5ch, 1dc/sc in space of 3ch, 3ch, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below,[ shell in d.tr/tr below, 1dc/sc in next d.tr/tr; rep from] 3 times more, shell in d.tr/tr below, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below .

* 3ch, 1dc/sc in 1st space of 5ch, 5ch, 1dc/sc in next space of 5ch, 3ch, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below ,[ shell in d.tr/tr below, 1dc/sc in next d.tr/tr; rep from] 3 times more, shell in d.tr/tr below, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell; rep from*.

Work 3ch, 1dc/sc in space of 6ch, 2ch, 1 tr/dc in 1st ch, turn.
Row 12: 3ch, 2tr/dc in tr/dc below, 3ch, * [1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below , shell in dc/sc below; rep from] 3times more, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch, shell in space of 5ch, 3ch; rep from*.

Work 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below , shell in dc/sc below; rep from] 3times more, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch, 3tr/dc in space of 5ch, turn.

Row 13: 4ch, 3tr/dc in 1st tr/dc below, , 4ch, [1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below , shell in dc/sc below; rep from] 2 times more, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below.

* 4ch, 3tr/dc in 3rd st of next shell, 3ch, 3tr/dc in the same st, 4ch, [1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below , shell in dc/sc below; rep from] 2 times more, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below; rep from*.

Work 4ch, 3tr/dc +1ch+1tr/dc in 3rd ch, turn.
Row 14: 4ch, shell in 3rd tr/dc below, 3ch, * [1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below , shell in dc/sc below; rep from] 1 time more, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch, shell in 3rd st of 1st group of three tr/dc below, 3ch, 1dc/sc in space of 3ch, 3ch, shell in 3rd st of next group of three tr/dc, 3ch; rep from*.

Work 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below , shell in dc/sc below; rep from] 1 time more, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch, shell in 3rd st of group of three tr/dc below, 3ch, 1dc/sc in space of 4ch, turn.
Row 15: 7ch, 1dc/sc in next space of 3ch, 3ch, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 4ch, *1dc/ in 3rd st of shell below, shell in next dc/sc, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of the next shell below, 4ch, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch, 1dc/sc in space of 3ch, 7ch, 1dc/sc in next space of 3ch, 3ch, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 4ch; rep from *.

Work 1dc/ in 3rd st of shell below, shell in next dc/sc, 1dc/sc in 3rd st of the next shell below, 4ch, shell in 3rd st of shell below, 3ch, 1dc/sc in space of 4ch, 3ch, 1tr/dc in 2st ch, turn.
Repeat rows 2 - 15 until you have reached your desired length.


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